News: LimeReport new version 1.5 has been released
Вышла новая версия LimeReport 1.5

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Messages - n3mow

Pages: [1]
Discussion | Обсуждение / Re: Build error v 1.5
« on: March 15, 2025, 05:11:43 pm »
I do not understand your answer. Would you please explain. Thank you.

Discussion | Обсуждение / Re: Build error v 1.5
« on: March 04, 2025, 05:46:37 pm »
Sorry for the late response. The error occurs while building the .pro file in QtCreator. It shows at the bottom where the build progress messages appear. I have no idea what file generated the error, only that the build fails. How can I determine which file is throughing the error?

As to using my sql the appimage for Linux only supports Sqlite3. There is no other choice. It appears that the choice is only on the version that has to be built.


Discussion | Обсуждение / Build error v 1.5
« on: February 28, 2025, 10:55:06 pm »
Tried to build Lime Report V 1.5 with QT Creator - Error "Aggregate 'Qpainterpath ' has incomplete type and cnnot be defined'". What can I do to fix this? Used the file in the packedge. I am new to building qt projects so I need a basic explanation of how to fix this error. Can I add support for mysql to Lime Report? Now I have to convert Access dtabase to mysql and the to sqlite. All responses are appreciated.


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