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Topics - wkngbe

Pages: [1]
Discussion | Обсуждение / Multiple page templates
« on: August 08, 2016, 01:05:49 PM »

I plan to use limereport to generate a product catalog for a rental company. The 2 first pages and the last page are mainly static ones but some text are customizable. The main part of the catalog many pages following one template (item catagory, price, name, etc).

Till now I made 4 templates, one for each 'static' page and one for the items pages. I have to merge 4 pdf in the right order to build the full PDF.

Is there a way to create many "pages" / templates in te same report? I saw some parts of code that seems to deal with such a thing but either it's old code not used anymore, or new one not finished.

If not already available it will be a great feature to add.

By the way : really GREAT JOB ! No need anymore to use that big monster of Crystal Reports (or others) ! Do the job with small footprint.


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