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Messages - ham13

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Thanks for the information. Using the command line to load the report would solve my problem but it does not work in linux.

See my previous post on this form copied below:

"On my Linux Mint 20.3 system the command limereport -h returns a limereport command not found error.

I tried in the release directory and all directories within the Lime Report project. No luck. In windows the command limereport -h returns a help file. In linux it returns command not found. By the way the -t option is not  present in the pre-compiled version on windows. Do I have to build the limereport command and if so how?"


Come on Guys. A little help for a newbie. I'm looking for information on the commands and fuctions that relate specifically to Lime Report Designer. Those I see in the video's and here in the forum, I cannot find them in my JS references. If it's qt then I need a good source to learn qt.

there must be a reference to the Lime Report commands/functions. Please share it.


This appears to be a Qt script. I need to call the viewer and print the report from anothher app written in Gambas. I do not know how to work with qt.


On my Linux Mint 20.3 system the command limereport -h returns a limereport command not found error.
I tried in the release directory and all directories within the Lime Report project. No luck. I windows the command limereport -h returns a help file. In linux it returns command not found. By the way the -t option is not  present in the pre-compiled version on windows. Do I have to build the limereport command and if so how?


How do I use a linux shellscript to send a report as a pdf to a file like limereport.exe in Windows?

In Windows - limereport -s "Report" -d "Desktop" sends the report to the destination a s a pdf. What is the equivalent in Linux?


Requests | Пожелания / Documentation of LDR's script language
« on: January 07, 2023, 04:13:38 am »

I've been using Lime Report Designer for a while now and find it to be a very powerful program.
However I find that most of it's features are not documented in a way that is  available to the users. I find myself posting questions that could be answered in such a reference. What makes up the group of commands that can be used in a script? Some tell me the script is Qt, others JavaScript.

I would like to make use of the scripting abilities of LDR but, I do not know how or where to start.
A basic tutorial would be great. Those on this site must have had a source when they started. Please consider giving more detail on the scripting commands and how to use them. If one exist please let me know how to access it.

This would be of great help to those of us newbeies wandering in the wilderness.

Thanks for considering my request.



Is there a way to view a report without loading it into the designer? I have an application where I want the administrator to be able to create reports but, the user has access to only view or print the report. Is there a way to do this in Lime Reports?


OK. So, unless I specify Reportpage1_DataBand1 in the code it will crash and this is normal behavior. That does not sound right. Well that leaves only one option; I'll use the code that works. I had hoped for a better solution. Let me know if I have misunderstood your comments.

Again thanks for your patience and efforts to resolve this problem. :)



I'm not sure what you mean from your message. I know that the code should be "Reportpage1_DataBand6" because it is defined in the report and "Reportpage1_DataBand1" is not. That is why I used that reference in the code when I tested it. Hopefully you will find the cause of the crash.


Setting Reportpage1_DataBand6.preparedForRender.connect(beforeDataPrint) to Reportpage1_DataBand1.preparedForRender.connect(beforeDataPrint) produces error "line 9 reference Reportpage1_DataBand1.preparedForRender.connect(beforeDataPrint)is not defined"

Yes, that is the name of the band shown on the report page when I click on the data band. It shows DataBand6 in yellow. The datasource for the band is set to tblneighborhood. I'll set it to DataBand1 and see what happens.


Thank you for your help! I understand now that I can use JS in LPD scripts. How ever I cannot find a reference to the function reopenDatasource("Data") in either language. That's why I requested a source for the codeing used in LRD.

This code, when I add it to my project and use the proper variable, the program stops working.

txtYear is the line edit in my dialog. Year is the variable containing the data (Year).
Databand6 is the datband on the report page. I have defined the variable Year just aas you defined id.


function beforeDataPrint()
  setVariable("Year", Dialog.txtYear.text);


This code, that I came to use after many tries, works.  I do not know why but it does work.

Dialog.exec() == 1

var Year = Dialog.txtYear.text
var Date = Dialog.txtDate.text
var Check = ""


function beforeDataPrint() {
Check = "Function";
setVariable("Year", Dialog.txtYear.text);


OK. I'll download them and see where I went wrong. Should script files be written using QtScript or Javascript? Is there a good source to learn each?


OK. I'll add the new line in the function Thanks

When I run the function line "reopenDatasource(tblneighborhood)" it produces error "Reference error tblneighborhood not defined". My connectio is defined as Mydata and the datasource is defined as tblneighborhood in the initial connection to the database.


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