Discussion | Обсуждение / Re: the data sources to be dynamically allocation
« on: June 28, 2024, 09:57:53 am »
Subst, Hello, for example in the app created n amount of tables and transform them into the QTStandardItemModel list, so there are also n quantity models, when I use LimeReport::ReportEngine *report=new LimeReport::ReportEngine; List<QStandardItemModel> models. for(int i=0; i<models.size();++i){
report->dataManager()->addModel("model_"+QString::number(i), models, true);
then report->designReport(); or report->previewReport(); methods called,when report->designReport(); this method called , Lime Designer app opens, and in the left side of the designer, there is datasource panel, I can see there my added models, here is my question, how to display or place the data sources dynamically in the report page, because as I told models quantity is unlimited, 1 to ... n may be
report->dataManager()->addModel("model_"+QString::number(i), models, true);
then report->designReport(); or report->previewReport(); methods called,when report->designReport(); this method called , Lime Designer app opens, and in the left side of the designer, there is datasource panel, I can see there my added models, here is my question, how to display or place the data sources dynamically in the report page, because as I told models quantity is unlimited, 1 to ... n may be