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Topics - corveejet

Pages: [1]
Hello everyone,

It's possible to create objects dynamically in script like text object in databand ? I would like create tableau dynamically based on database.


Discussion | Обсуждение / Wrong behavior fit page
« on: May 31, 2021, 01:01:45 PM »
Hello everyone!

I notice that fitPage function have a wrong behavior. When you are in the page >3, sometimes when you click on fitPage the current page change.
You can watch this behavior in the exemple demo2. Put on page 3 or 4, click many times on fitpage and the page change at 5 in my case.

Does anyone have this behavior too ? How can fix that in code ?


Discussion | Обсуждение / Multiple Report in once
« on: April 26, 2021, 11:20:59 AM »
Hello everyone !

My topic is similar with the topic of alexela "TOPIC: ДОБАВЛЕНИЕ НЕСКОЛЬКИХ REPORT В ОБЩИЙ PREVIEWREPORT", but with some differences.

I want create a report which is composed of several reports (.lrxml). I know that i make several pages into one report and copy/paste my several .lxrml into them.

My questions is:
  - Can do what with better way ?
  - it's possible to repeat a page (.lrxml) many times with different data.
For example i have 3 .lxrml. intro.lxrml, client.lxrml, end.lrxml. I would something like this. The first pages is intro.lrxml and repeat client.lrxml 3 times (3 clients) and finally include end.lrxml for the last pages.


Discussion | Обсуждение / How use condition in GroupBandHeader
« on: February 03, 2021, 12:44:11 PM »
Hi everyone,

My problem is that: i want to hide a GroupHeaderBand (which contains different shapes and a Text label) depending on if my datasource is empty.

I try to make in condition fields of GroupHeaderBand :
Code: [Select]
THIS.isVisible = true
if($D{recipe.heading5} === "")
    THIS.isVisible = false

but no success.

Can you help me please ?


Pages: [1]