« on: December 09, 2015, 10:48:41 PM »
I found the problem for the report in my software.
I will try explain.
When creating new project widget. I want use stackwidget and listwiget.
If I use stackwidget only, limereport can load datasource properly. But if I use listwiget and to add the action void MainWindow::on_listWidget_itemClicked(QListWidgetItem *item) limereport cant load load datasource. I cant understand this.
If I use Limereport in a empty Dialog, limereport works fine. But when I use closepreview I would like to close dialog because after closepreview shows an empty dialog.
Is there an event for this? if not Can you try add it? Close Dialog after closepreview report would be a good solution for me.
Well, Limereport works in a empty window. You must fix it for us. Adding components on screen with actions and limereport stops working does not make sense.
Problems with Dialog:
I have 3 buttons and 1 tableview to show table data on this dialog.
void dlgReport::on_btnDesign_clicked()
void dlgReport::on_btnPrint_clicked()
QString fileName = QApplication::applicationDirPath()+"/demo_reports/garotas.lrxml";
if (!fileName.isEmpty()) {
When previewReport is executed by the first time I can see data and report works fine. But when previewReport is executed by the second time report crash.
I want to help your report become with bugs and become a better component. Dont get boring with me pls.
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