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Messages - Proton Phoenix

Pages: [1]
Have u forgot to rize widget->show(); ?

Or widget->resize() & widget->move() helps?

i did it like

Thank you so much bro <3 it works

Hi ~~~
i am trying to create an embedded widget but it doesn't work at all

Code: [Select]
LimeReport::ReportEngine *report=new LimeReport::ReportEngine(this);

it's shows only this on QDebug output but nothing in QWidget
m_pagesize= LimeReport::PageItemDesignIntf::A4
initpagesizewidth= 2000
initpagesizeheight= 2870
m_pagesize= LimeReport::PageItemDesignIntf::A4

is there any solution?

Thank you bro i did fix the problem by adding a column which contain the numbers then hiding it from the user in QTableWidget.

The real data changed in first variant?
But you can't got the string number?

Yep the first variant changed every row to 511 of items .. because datasource is QTableWidget
but the second one didn't it only get the first index which is 1 and it keep repeating it ,because it's not the datasource of DataBand1
if i change the DataBind1 datasource to strlist it will get the second changed but the first one keep showing just the first index (product item) and keep repeating it

It's simple.

How you form the report?
by callback function?

no i didn't use callback i am just a beginner in limereport

Code: [Select]
    QStringList stringlist;
    for(int i=1;i<ui->tableWidget->rowCount();i++){
    QStringListModel* stringListModel = new QStringListModel();



in DataBand1 i am using QTableWidget as datasource
i got the strlist data successfully which it's value from 1 to 511
but when i use it it stays only 1 on every row
if i change databand1 datasource to strlist it became 1 ..... to 511
but QTableWidget became unchangable !!

the simplest way it's using the variable & script system

i did that but the variable won't change because datasource is QTableWidget!
so i need to search for a script to solve that !
Thank you bro

Hi this is the best reporting engine ever thank you really for your great work
, i have a question , so i have Qtablewidget which contain a 3 columns
i want to get each row number when reporting using limereport
is there any way to do that!
for example i want those numbers on limereport
when viewing data the numbers show up, the databind doesn't support more than one datasource
is there any solution !!

Discussion | Обсуждение / Re: an error in limereport
« on: May 24, 2022, 02:07:57 PM »
Hi bro Thank you for help

problem solved after uncomment no zint
and using -j10 for building
well done guys

Discussion | Обсуждение / an error in limereport
« on: May 23, 2022, 07:04:25 PM »
entry point error on limereport.dll

i followed the video in youtube for building and including limereport

when i run my software it show up this error

in debug folder limereport.dll size = 173 MB
in release folder limereport.dll size= 3.27 MB
but the problem is

when i try to release my softawre

.. and strange if i copy the limereport.dll debug one which is very big to release folder
error disappear
but is it ok for dll to be that big!!!
is there any solution !!
i am using qt 5.15.2
and limereport_1_5_0_RC

Discussion | Обсуждение / Re: LimeReport Ram Usage Bug
« on: May 25, 2021, 01:48:58 PM »
Thank you so much bro <3 great support from you <3

Discussion | Обсуждение / Re: LimeReport Ram Usage Bug
« on: May 23, 2021, 10:27:24 AM »
<3 Thank you so much bro for helping me <3
okay i will wait Alex for fixing this memory leaks

-- Great Support from you bro Thank you

Discussion | Обсуждение / Re: LimeReport Ram Usage Bug
« on: May 23, 2021, 09:58:56 AM »
Many Thanks bro <3

Yes when i removed createpreview .. when closing the preview it releasing 10 to 15 mb of ram usage but the problem still exist because it add 3 to 5 mb every time (opening the preview)
so can you tell me bro ~~ The best way to Destroy QGraphicsScene object!! ?

Discussion | Обсуждение / Re: LimeReport Ram Usage Bug
« on: May 23, 2021, 09:50:02 AM »
Thank you bro <3 i've installed limereport just today i am totally a beginner so i need to remove createpreview ... and destroy QGraphicsScene object !!
Thank you bro i will try that then i will comment here about the results <3

Discussion | Обсуждение / LimeReport Ram Usage Bug
« on: May 23, 2021, 08:38:20 AM »
Hi ~~
i have a problem with Limereport and Qt framework

Code: [Select]
LimeReport::ReportEngine m_report(this);


when i open PreviewReport Ram usage grow from 74 mb to 93 mb
but when i close PreviewReport it will be 89 mb so it's only free 4 mb
the problem here is every time opening the PreviewReport will lead the software to eat more memory without clearing the previous one.
is there any solution??
i am using version 1.5.35

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