Thank you for correcting the bug in currencyUSBasedFormat function is now working correctly, you Limereport is getting better and better every day, good job, how ever I found an other bug in Lime Report Designer (Developer branch) and that is:
1. Open a report in Design mode, add some Text items to Report Footer with some English words
2. Click Preview in Lime Report Designer, every thing look fine!
3. Exit Preview mode, click on Translations tab and add translation to Russian or any other language to one of the Text items, save it.
4. Close Lime report Designer
5. Open report in Preview mode, translations show correctly, so far so good
, close report.
6. Open report in Design mode, change the text in any of the Text items created before translating.
7. Click Preview, you will see that the text in Text items is the same that was when you translate, any new Text items will show fine but old Text items will not update
Have a great day.
Luis Murillo.