I'm using the wt framework (
https://www.webtoolkit.eu/wt) with qt to build a web application that generates reports (just generates a report trough a template, not edit it).
I'm using wt to build the gui, and qt to deal with data processing, so i don't need qt gui components.
I compiled limereport with these parameters, in order to avoid graphical components:
CONFIG += no_embedded_designer
CONFIG += no_formdesigner
But my application is crashing on lrpagedesignintf.cpp, on PageDesignIntf constructor, whey you initialize QGraphicsScene, on: (1 std::__atomic_base<int>::load atomic_base.h), when i call the function loadfromstring, from ReportEngine class.
There is some parameter that i missed, in order to avoid graphical components or there is other problem?